Monday, November 19, 2012

No name

If you lose your parents, you are an orphan.

If you lose your spouse you are a widower.

Why is there no name if you lose a child?


  1. The name is still the same. Mother, mom, mommy, mama - with an angel on your shoulder rather than in your arms.

  2. I took an anthropology class in college and my professor was discussing this. In the sense of "how many children do you have?" and a mother who had lost a child had such a hard time answering this particular question. My professor wanted to help this woman to answer this question by looking at other cultures and how they deal with losing a child. This is how women in Africa answer this question, "I have 4 children but can only hold 3 of their hands."

  3. No name....
    No title....
    No baby.....

    It sucks.....

  4. My sister, when asked, says she has two children and one angel.

