Saturday, November 3, 2012


We always wanted kids. From FB, you can see how much I delight in every aspect of raising them. While some people apologize for posting so many photos of their punks, I can't get enough of it.  They are mine, I made them and I certainly don't think they are perfect - but they are human, flawed just like me. I know at some point they will be old enough to be self-aware, and I'll have to respect their privacy. For now, everything is fair game.

But as adults, we're not like that. We like our bandaids "flesh toned" and hide our scars. Unlike kids who prefer bright characters to announce to every visitor their latest injury, real or not.

And that's my usual path. Until something like this happens and there's no bandaid large enough to cover the gaping wound.


  1. Abby, what you are doing here is wonderful. Please keep writing, keep talking, keep reaching out when you can. We are here.

  2. Your blog is a beautiful, real and wonderful way to honor Sarah's memory and your family's experience. Please continue to write and we will continue to comment.

    I love the bandaid analogy. It's amazing how much we can learn from our children.

  3. No bandaid large enough...
