Friday, November 2, 2012


The yellow sweater is soft and warm. I don't wear yellow, myself, but Rachel looks amazing in it, and so Sarah will by default, in my dreams.
The onesie has a bird on it. Both Rachel and Jonah wore it. It's like a default t-shirt that you always reach for, because it feels right.
The pants were R's. Pink, because every princess needs a touch of it.
The booties are the most precious item, knit by Sarah's Bubbe. Worn only briefly by the others, because their feet grew so quickly.
Bubbe offered to sew Sarah an outfit. And I could not accept. My grief barely gets me out of bed; I could not let her associate sewing with one of the most painful things - losing a grandchild.


  1. My first was stillborn almost 10 years ago. It lead me to a wonderful group of families who have similar stories. Angel Names Association.
