Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I wish

There is an act of faith in deciding to bring a third child into your family while caring for a 4.5 year old and 1.5 year old.

One of the reasons why we felt so good about our decision was because of the support of our friends, family and community. Parenthood, particularly motherhood, should never be done alone. You need your tribe.

Today, I had the most delightful snuggle from a girl in our neighborhood who would have been 5 months older than Sarah. They would have played regularly over the next few years. Giggles, shrieks and screaming. They would attended kindergarten together.

As I held this girl today, her mama and I both shed tears.

No words needed.

Sarah's time with us was very short. But like a drop of water, the waves cascade out and her loss is felt much further than just me. It's our friends, our family, our community. They knew her. She was real. And Sarah may never grow up like the sweet babe I held, but she will live on in their memories.

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